Shabbat Worship
Temple Israel’s religious services are uplifting and filled with congregational singing, creating the joy of a community at prayer. We are a congregation that loves to sing, and you will soon find yourself joining in as you recognize your favorite melodies and learn new ones from our up-and-coming young Jewish songwriters!
Our services begin at 7 p.m. and are live-streamed to reach our greater Jewish community here in Brevard County and beyond. Torah is read as part of our Friday night service, a meaningful and wonderful aspect of our worship. Our services conclude with an Oneg Shabbat, lovingly prepared by our Temple Israel Sisterhood. Individuals may also sponsor a special Oneg in memory of a loved one or to celebrate a special occasion—a wonderful way to honor Shabbat, our most precious holiday!
We also host family Shabbat services once a month, where a different prayer book is used, and members of our Hebrew school may lead the service. These services may occur at a different time and might include dinner either before or after the service. Details will be announced in advance of the event.
Tot Shabbat services are offered monthly and are separate from our family services. These short services are geared toward our youngest members, ages 6 and under. Children will learn a song or two, and the Rabbi will read a story. The service concludes with Motzi and Kiddush, followed by a special treat. All are welcome to join us at 5:30 p.m. on designated Shabbats. Dates will vary, so watch your TIOB weekly or contact the Temple office for more information.
Throughout the year, we host special services, including our Menorathon, Shabbat Under the Stars, Inclusion and Disability Shabbat (in conjunction with Temple Beth Sholom), Pride Shabbat, and MLK Shabbat, to name a few. These celebrations often include unique readings and musical selections. Please join us for these special occasions!
Shabbat Shalom!