Temple Israel of Brevard | Reform Synagogue Brevard County, Florida

Path to Judaism


Path to Judaism Program: Your Journey of Discovery
As someone who found Judaism 35 years ago, Rabbi Fanwick understands the importance of making this journey of discovery with someone who makes you feel comfortable asking questions and challenging yourself. Rabbi Fanwick recognizes where you are in this process and wants to support you in making these decisions.

The program is not called “conversion” but rather Your Journey of Discovery. It’s about discovering and uncovering who you are and where you fit in the cosmos. All are welcome to take this journey—those in interfaith relationships, LGBTQ+ individuals, people of color, etc. It does not matter; we are all in this together!

The program consists of completing eleven modules of study and takes approximately one year. The areas of study, accompanied by questions to be answered and submitted, include:

  1. History
  2. God
  3. Life Cycle Events
  4. Branches of Judaism
  5. Shabbat
  6. High Holy Days
  7. Fall and Winter Holidays
  8. Spring and Summer Holidays
  9. Jewish Texts
  10. Holocaust, Israel, and Antisemitism

Once you complete the above modules, you will embark on an in-depth study of a topic in Judaism that interests you. This is Module 11. After completing and submitting this module, you will write a paper reflecting on your journey to becoming a Jew.

Once all the requirements are fulfilled, Rabbi Fanwick will convene a Beit Din (a court of three rabbis) who will ask you a series of questions and confer your Hebrew name upon you. You will then visit the Mikveh and officially become part of the Jewish people.

If this sounds like a journey you would like to take, or if you have further questions, please contact Rabbi Fanwick at [email protected]

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