Adult Education
Beginning in the fall of 2023/5784, Temple Israel of Brevard will be offering several adult education opportunities. The following is an overview of courses that may be offered:
Hebrew 101: Beginning Hebrew for Adults
Join Rabbi Fanwick to learn the basics of the Hebrew language beginning with the alef-bet. You will begin to read simple words and roots of words that will help you advance in your study of our language.
Hebrew 102: Prayerbook Hebrew for Adults
This program will take the adult learner through the Mishkan T’filah, our siddur, concentrating on effectively reading the prayers and garnering an understanding of the prayer content. Knowledge of Hebrew and ability to read basic words is required.
Hebrew 203: Intermediate Biblical Hebrew
This program will take the knowledge gained in the first two courses and advance the ability to read and understand biblical Hebrew. We will look at some basic texts including Torah. The ability to read Hebrew is required.
Chai Mitzvah:
This monthly program will look at different aspects of Judaism through and adult lens and includes topics such as wisdom, compassion, trust, generosity and so on. The topic will be given out the first week of the month and discussed later in the month on a Zoom meeting or in person.
Swimming in the Sea of Talmud:
Based on a book written by two friends that began as a chavruta study session, this book takes an excerpt from the Talmud and studies the piece of text. An example: “One who causes others to do, is greater than someone who does.” Along with the text is a contextual description and midrash about the passage.
Examining the 613: Where do they belong?
The Jewish people were given 613 commandments, rules to follow to ensure the people survive. Each of them can actually be filed under one of the “Big Ten”! Since each of us is to write our own Torah, we will take a look at each individual commandment and try to determine:
1. Which of the 10 it falls under
2. Is it relevant to our lives today?
3. How might modernize this commandment (since we obviously do not sacrifice anymore!!)
Adult B Mitzvah
Perhaps you came into Judaism a bit late, or you never had the opportunity to become a “B mitzvah. Here is the chance to do that very thing! We will work as a class to cover certain topics related to the process. Each member will choose a passage they would like to learn to read from the Torah and we will do that on an individual basis. If more than one person, or the entire group, would like to have a group B Mitzvah, we can do that as well. This is your time. We will make it be your time.
A Taste of Judaism
An overview of Judaism with a look at the History (brief!) of the people, God, spirituality, the calendar, the holidays, branches of Judaism, life cycle events and the Jewish texts among our topics. There will be plenty of time for questions and answers during the course.
This course may be repeated at times throughout the year.
Torah Study
Torah study will meet in person and on zoom every Saturday morning at 9:30 for one hour. The weekly Torah portion will be discussed. A synopsis of the parashah and the chapters and verses will be sent out prior to the meeting along with the Zoom link. If you are interested in joining our study group, please contact Rabbi Fanwick to become part of the email list.
Other educational opportunities may arise during the year so watch for postings of these events on our website front page!